Ir:ca Solza

Artist, researcher, art critic, feminist. Now living in Bishkek, Kyrgystan. Born in 1987 in Arkhangelsk, Russia. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Novosibirsk State University, Master of Philosophy. In 2020-2023 was a postgraduate student at the Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts in History of Art.

From 2010 to 2013 curated the exhibition project in the Festival of Experimental Poetry EXPERIENCES in Novosibirsk. Since 2015, have been a member of the Rech#port poetry community, author and editor of the magazine Rech#port ( In 2018 initiated the creation of the Siberian Archive of Contemporary Art ( and have been researching contemporary art of Siberia. Participant of philosophical seminars on contemporary philosophy (Deleuze, Derrida, Badiou, Delanda, etc.), in 2022 gave a course of lectures "Introduction to the Philosophy of Art" (Novosibirsk State University, Faculty of Humanities, Novosibirsk, Russia).

As an artist I create complex installations, art objects, poetic and textual works, art books, video art and performances elaborating such themes as: religious concepts outside the context of the religious canon (miracle, martyrdom), liberation practices, anarchic virtual communities and spaces, criticism of totalitarian political reality, institutional criticism and research into the boundaries of censorship, the creation of a Kafkaesque non-existent people and a choir of dubious voices, the study of the human body as the boundaries of the individual and public.
Personal exhibitions and projects:
2023 — promenade exhibition "Bureaucracy of Miracles", OSS MI, Samara, Russia
2023 – "Earth, Air, Earth", gallery "Uncomfortable Pose" (art group BERTOLLO).
2019 — publication of the Catalog of Simple Machines
2017 — exhibition ___on_the_surface______, joint project with poet Dmitry Korolev and photographer Vyacheslav Kovalevich, Inigo, cultural center at the Catholic Cathedral, Novosibirsk, Russia

Some collective exhibitions and projects:
2023 – ‘The Pain of Others’ project, The Starving Artist
2023 – RUBEZH and no_war foundation (Tbilisi, Georgia)
2023 – Healing Garden (Tbilisi, Georgia)
2023 – RUBEZH : Liberty (Bishkek, Kyrgystan)
2023 — A.C.T. festival, civic engagement art (Tbilisi, Georgia)
2022 — Lines of Freedom (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
2022 — Publication in ROAR-2
2021 — "Working on mistakes", gallery POST (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2021 — Microbiennale (3)2 days (Irkutsk, Russia)
2021 — Exhibition "Dark corner", art center "Klopovnik" (Chelyabinsk, Russia)
2021 — Ryazan Garage, Yesenin Center (Ryazan, Russia)
2021 — Exhibition "Higher than the feet from the ground", loft "Podzemka" (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2021 — Exhibitions "Bar Stolichny" (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2021 — Exhibition "Joseph - 100 - Beuys", Museum of Modern Fine Arts on Dmitrovskaya (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
2021 — Festival of Contemporary Art "48 Hours Novosibirsk", Parachute(s) Tandem, Free Form (Novosibirsk, Russia), by Goethe-Institut
2020 — AMFS 3rd Show, Europe (satellite of Jupiter)
2020 — "Implicit relations", artist-run space Kotelnaya (Tomsk, Russia), feminist festival SNEZHI
2019 — "Last-minute tours to intimate places", festival "48 hours Novosibirsk". Workshops of URA (Novosibirsk, Russia), by Goethe-Institut
2019 — II Invisible Film Festival. Word order (St. Petersburg, Russia)
2019 — Feminist Festival SNEZHI in Novosibirsk, Russia
2018 — Exhibition about censorship and self-censorship One cannot be too careful (Berlin, Germany, feminist version, "Eve's Ribs", St. Petersburg, Russia)
2018 – "Malye manii", "Inigo", cultural center at the Catholic Cathedral (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2017 – Exhibition about censorship and self-censorship One cannot be too careful (Brighton, UK)
2017 – Exhibition "Difficult", space "Art El" (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2016 – Second anti-war exhibition NOT-PEACE (Kyiv, Ukraine)
2015 – School of Cynicism, TRAVA loft (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2015 –Praeparatio, documentary project, basement (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2013 – "Free workshops", MMOMA (Moscow, Russia)
2013 – "Heroes", festival of experimental poetry EXPERIENCES (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2013 – Kansk Video Festival, special screening "New Siberian Video" (Kansk, Russia)
2013 – International Festival of Independent Film 2morrow, short film program "New Cinema of Siberia" (Moscow, Russia)
2012 – "Metronome", festival of experimental poetry EXPERIENCES, SCCA (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2012 — festival of science-art "Möbius Apple" (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2011 — Techno-Opera (Tomsk, Russia)
2011 – "U: Tension", festival of experimental poetry EXPERIENCES, SCCA (Novosibirsk, Russia)
2011 – "Movement", regional exhibition of contemporary art, Regional Museum of Fine Arts (Kemerovo, Russia)

2014-2017 – rope exhibitions (Ob river, Novosibirsk, Russia)
2016-2019 — garage exhibitions organized by Alexey Grishchenko (garage cooperative "Skif", Novosibirsk, Russia)

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